Citizens, civic leaders, and business persons effecting lasting change in the Midwest City Community.

We care about Midwest City

What would it take to change build community?

Rotarians are business people, just like you, that care about how people live in Midwest City, around the state of Oklahoma, in the United States, around the world.




Community, Action, Assistance

Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Our Rotary District 5750 has 36 active community-based clubs and 2,000 members. Together we make a difference in our community, Oklahoma, The United States, and the world.

We care about the World

Short Term Youth “Cultural & Educational” Exchange

Each summer, our District sends a team of 10th to 12th graders to Rotary District 2520 located in Japan for approximately two weeks. In return, we host students from Japan.




Ridgecrest “Shake -it-to-Make-it”

Ridgecrest Elementary conducts an annual “Shake -it-to-Make-it” challenge which focuses on teaching students etiquette and manners. One of the challenges is familiarizing students with table settings and table manners. Our Club is honored to judge that event each year. This is also
an opportunity for students to learn about Rotary, and Rotarians to get to know some incredible Midwest City students.

Volunteer at the Food Bank

Support the Community

The main objective of Rotary is service and we develop community service projects that address many of today’s most critical issues.




Why Become A Rotarian?

If you want to be involved, be part of a group that wants to improve the world we live in, then come to one of our meetings. You will find that by yourself, you can make a difference. As a group of like-minded professionals, you will find you can have an impact in our community and beyond!

  • Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Promoting peace; fighting disease, providing clean water, and supporting education are just some of the areas we work together on worldwide.


  • We also help and assist our neighbors in Oklahoma. Each club in our district sets yearly goals and objectives of who and what events to help with our times and through financial assistance.

Contact Us About Getting Involved